sábado, 24 de noviembre de 2012

10 tips para ser feliz en el trabajo

Wanted Selección - Be Happy At Work from Verve Creative Group on Vimeo.

10 Tips to be happy at work

The video is in spanish, so here is the english translation:

1. Negative energy? No thanks! / We don´t want bad feelings!
2. Celebrate your successes!/ You deserve them!
3. Have always fruit close to you
4. Make a better world with your work/ and make others be happy!
5. Ask to Loli about her son/ it will be a great present.
6. Forget the ties!/Nothing must drowning you!
7. Redecorate your desk/ before-after
8. Stay away from gossips/ Oh my god! unbelievable!
9. Doodle while you are on the phone
10.Inspire, expire, talk…/The sun always comes out

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